M&M Business Leadership Website


Launch Date = 29th Feb 2020

Manos & Maria are renowned for their expertise in the real estate industry, having amassed over three decades of business experience in property management and sales. Their existing website, while functional, no longer represented their brand and vision accurately.

To improve their online presence, I worked with Manos & Maria to create a new website that better showcased their extensive knowledge and history. We chose to use Squarespace as the website builder due to its flexibility and ability to create a sleek and modern design.

The new website I created allows visitors to easily navigate and explore the various services and properties offered by Manos & Maria. We also made sure to incorporate engaging visuals, including high-quality images and graphics, to enhance the overall user experience.

The new website is fully responsive and optimised for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that users can access it from anywhere, at any time. With this modern and user-friendly website, Manos & Maria can confidently present themselves as the dynamic duo that they truly are in the competitive world of real estate.

*Manos & Maria's website has been shut down and redirected to eview.com.au as they have decided to discontinue their own brand.

M&M Business Leadership Website on MacBook Pro

My Online Property Report Website


My Admin Partner Website